How to Say Goodbye I Hope to See You Again in Italian

There is never really one way to say something. The context and the relationship you share with whoever you are talking to determine the tone, level of affection, and emotional implication of the words you are saying.

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Different Ways to Say Bye in Italian

When it comes to saying bye, the well-known word is addio , pronounced [addio] in the IPA transcription. It is simple and can be used in all settings across various relationship levels. In many cases, it expresses that there is no likelihood of meeting that person again, though.

How to Translate Arrivederci

The most common translation of Arrivederci is "See you later." It is pronounced [əˌɹiːvəˈdɛətʃi]. This is both a formal or informal setting and is ideal for situations where you are planning on meeting the person again. It is derived from the verb rivedersi which means "to meet again."

It is polite and can also be used with people you just met. A mutual expression would be ci vedremo più tardi , which translates to "we'll see each other later."

Other Ways to Say Bye in Italian

  • Ti parlerò dopo – I'll talk to you later

This is a commitment to have a conversation with someone. Thus, it needs to be someone you have an ongoing relationship with. It can be used in formal settings by adding the words signore and signora for sir and madam, respectively.

To make this phrase more personal, you can add a term of endearment, such as il mio amore for my love and cara / caro for dear. A similar phrase would be Ne parliamo più tardi.

  • Spero di vedervi presto – I hope to see you soon

This is an informal expression of the desire to meet someone again. It should be reserved for friends and family.

  • Stammi bene – Be well

This phrase is informal and perfect for written texts on cards and especially on e-mails. It marks the conclusion of a conversation or a message and incorporates good wishes.

  • Ti aspetteremo presto – We'll be expecting you back soon

You may need a phrase that expresses pleasure in dealing with people and the hope to have them back again. Alternately, you can use torna presto, which means "come back soon."

  • Ci sentiamo presto – We will talk soon

This is an indefinite commitment and is thus ideal for informal set-ups. It can be used in written or verbal situations as it shows a willingness to communicate without a direct obligation on any level.

  • Finché non ci rincontreremo – Till we meet again

This indicates that something is pending and will be dealt with in the next meeting. It also shows that a significant amount of time might pass before the next meeting. Although this phrase is vastly formal, it can also be used in a friendly situation.

  • È stato un piacere conoscerla – It was a pleasure meeting you

This is extensively formal and is excellent if you meet people who are of a higher status than you in terms of career position. It can also be an admired professional within or without your field.

  • Mi sono divertito – I had a great time

This is a perfect expression of an enjoyable time with friends and family. It can be used in a semi-formal set-up. For instance, if you have been invited for a professional forum by a friend. You can add facciamolo di nuovo ("let's do it again") if you are looking forward to experiencing the same kind of thing again.

Difference Between "A Dopo" and "A Presto"

These two phrases can be used when you want to say "bye." They are very similar in meaning with a small difference:

  • A dopo – See/talk to you later
  • A presto – See/talk to you soon

Meaning of ArrivederLa

While Arrivederci is safe to use in any situation, you can also hear ArrivederLa . It is a formal way to say goodbye to one person, such as a doctor or a lawyer.

Quick Grammar Tip

La is a formal way of saying "you" in Italian. Let's take a look at some other ways to translate a formal "you" into Italian.

  • Lei – you (subject and stressed object pronoun)

Example: Lei beve? – Do you drink? Per lei – for you

  • La – you (unstressed direct object)

Example: Posso aiutarla? – Can I help you?

  • Le – you (unstressed indirect object)

Example: Le dispiace? – Do you mind?

When you learn a new verb, it is worth checking in your dictionary to see if it needs a direct or indirect object pronoun. If you find "a q" (= a qualcuno – to somebody), it means you will need an indirect object.

Italian Frequency Dictionaries

If you want to learn more useful Italian vocabulary, don't forget to look at our unique Italian Frequency Dictionaries. You will only learn practical vocabulary and boost your fluency in Italian fast!

Time to Say Goodbye

As you can see, there are various ways to say Bye in Italian. You don't have to rely on the simple Arrivederci or Addio anymore. Choosing the right way of saying goodbye will certainly impress the person you are talking to.

Moreover, there are so many things you can express with the right goodbye phrase. You can let people know you want to see them again or that you aren't all that interested. Or you can tell them how much you have enjoyed your time together.

If you have any further questions, let us know in the comments below. A presto!


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